Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Salon

I have been spoiled with weekends that have been relaxing and lazy, but now as we start Middle Sister's volleyball season, our schedule is filling up.

Today is the first tournament of the season, so most of the day will be spent in a gym.  Depending on their wins/losses we could potentially be at the tournament until nearly supper time.  I am going with a few books to keep me busy, although I usually end up talking instead of being entirely anti-social.

I only made it to three days of my exercise class this week. Monday I had off in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and ended up having lunch with this girl (and let myself relax and sleep in instead of working out):

Our lunch selfie

On Friday the girls didn't have school and I was excited to let them sleep in while I exercised and got ready for work in a quiet household.  However Little Sister has a horrible cold and Middle Sister didn't feel well either, so instead of exercising I spent the early morning hours playing nurse.  

Maybe that's a good thing.  Here's the pair of shoes I wore to exercise one morning:

Do you see anything wrong with this?  Considering these were the only two shoes in my bathroom in the morning, I'm hoping this isn't the pair of shoes I wore to school the day before.  No young children commented on them, so I am thinking I am safe.

We finally took down our Christmas decorations last night, which after not having them out last year, was OK. I will say I was plenty excited to get that job done.

Yesterday was nearly fifty degrees out and felt like spring.  Today there is a bit of new snow on the ground.  Such is weather in Iowa.

Enjoy your Sunday!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Have a good week, Tina! Laughed about your shoes. Hope your girls are recovering from their colds. And try to stay warm. Spring will be here soon - please, I hate the cedar pollen here at this time of year. Makes me miserable.