Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus

I always kind of enjoy the little lesson I teach at school on using the thesaurus.  One of my favorite books, Chicken Cheeks, adds a bit of humor to this lesson and the kids (and usually the teachers) enjoy it.

I am so excited to add The Right Word by Jen Bryant and Melissa Sweet to my tool bag of resources to use when helping students learn how to use a thesaurus.

And, even though I have a perfect time to use this in my teaching, I just plain love this book and think I might just find a time to read it to every class, thesaurus lesson or not.

Usually it is the story that grabs me and reels me in.  In The Right Word, it is the illustrations (although the story is good).  I absolutely love Melissa Sweet's work.  The collage art is always unique and eye catching, and I think this latest work by Sweet may be her best yet.  I couldn't help poring over the many items she included in each and every page.  

Although I have used a Thesaurus, and taught others how to use one, there is little I knew about Peter Mark Roget until I read this biography.  The actual text in The Right Word is succinct enough that even a very young child can enjoy this biography. A timeline is included at book's end highlighting the major points in Roget's life along with important historical events, giving a bit more information about this little known man.

I've added this book to my own library at home and can't wait to add it to my school's library.  

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